Thursday, March 28, 2013

Buy Paint That Suits Your Need like Wood Sealer or Varnish

While you are confused among what type of material should be used to give the final touch to wooden materials at home you must consider the best suitability for every specific furniture. When you are talking about looks it is totally subjective and in most cases wood sealer and varnish paints are the best choices. The physical structure of the wood will let you understand how it behaves during different seasons of the year. Its behavior means the way the wood will expand or contract from time to time.

Microscopic cells are filled in every grain of the wood and it is vital for the trees growth. In normal condition the trunk remains usually moist and you can even feel it by touching a tree trunk. If you see a freshly cut tree that died not long back you will see patches of watermark at the area cut. So it is moisture that helped the cells to make the plant grow but with its death no more it gets the moisture and dries up. However, when it again comes in contact with water it will grow and as it will dry it will go back to its original size. This is why; you must be experiencing a hard time in closing certain door or window during monsoon that you could have easily closed during winter or summer. These factors will control your choice to buy paint for your wooden furniture, doors, windows, etc.

Varnish is oil and resin consisting wood covering that might be applied to furniture, door or window. This is a non-permeable coating on the surface of the wood. You will see it is protecting the wood from outside while the interior of the wood remains as it is. However, very little moisture may enter through the varnish due to the general expanding and contracting of the wood. When the wood changes a bit in size its upper layer gets cracked and through it enters moisture in some amount.

Before you buy paint for your wooden materials consider the qualities of sealers. These are also oily and it can itself go into the wood to provide protection from inside. Since it penetrates in, two to three coating is required to give full protection. Thus, wood sealer is preferable to varnish when you are considering wood structures that stand against rain and sun. It is judicious to even consider the advices of your carpenter while choosing the paint to cover wood.

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